Ex parte FLYNN - Page 4

          Appeal No. 95-2102                                                          
          Application No. 08/076,160                                                  

          selector 110 as a remote unit, and he uses electrical lines                 
          112 to control the television and the antenna rotor (column 7,              
          lines 9 through 12).  Appellant argues (Brief, page 9) that:                
                    [A]ll the connections drawn as straight lines in                  
               Figure 1 of the [Hornback] drawings represent                          
               electrical conductors, including the line 12 [sic,                     
               112] between the channel selector 110 and the                          
               microprocessor 12, and also including the connection                   
               between the channel selector 110 and the television                    
               receiver 105.                                                          


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