Ex parte FLYNN - Page 6

                 Appeal No. 95-2102                                                                                                                     
                 Application No. 08/076,160                                                                                                             

                 unit].”   We agree.  The 35 U.S.C. § 102(b) rejection of3                                                                                                                         
                 20 through 25 based upon the teachings of Carney is reversed.                                                                          
                          In the obviousness rejection of claims 20 through 25, the                                                                     
                 examiner indicates (Answer, page 3) that:                                                                                              
                                   The patent to Hornback discloses an automatic                                                                        
                          antenna positioning system comprising a channel                                                                               
                          selector 110, a microprocessor 12 and rotor control                                                                           
                          120 for controlling the antenna.  Hornback differs                                                                            
                          from the claims in that the claims recite a wireless                                                                          
                          remote control unit.  However, the patent to Burton                                                                           
                          discloses a programmable electronic antenna rotator                                                                           
                          comprising a I.R.XMTR 200.  Since the substitution                                                                            
                          of wired or wireless remote control is well known in                                                                          
                          the art; it would have been obvious to provide                                                                                
                          Hornback with the wireless remote control as taught                                                                           
                          by Burton.                                                                                                                    
                          Appellant and the examiner both agree that Burton’s                                                                           
                 antenna is rotated under the control of the wireless remote                                                                            
                 control device 200, and that Burton does not disclose                                                                                  
                 television receiver control with the wireless remote control                                                                           
                 device (Reply Brief, pages 2 through 4, and Supplemental                                                                               
                 Answer, page 2).                                                                                                                       

                          3The attached dictionary definitions of “remote control”                                                                      
                 indicate that control signals may be transmitted to a distant                                                                          
                 object via wires, sound, ultrasonics, light, radio or                                                                                  
                 mechanical means.                                                                                                                      

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