Ex parte GRIEVES et al. - Page 2

          Appeal No. 95-2204                                                          
          Application 08/018,356                                                      

          butane diamine primer.  Further details of this appealed subject            
          matter are set forth in the claim, a copy of which taken from the           
          appellants’ Brief is appended to this decision.                             
               The references relied upon by the examiner as evidence of              
          obviousness are:                                                            

          Reynolds et al. (Reynolds)    2,716,134      Aug. 23, 1955                  
          von Bramer                    3,260,637      Jul. 12, 1966                  
          Yonezawa et al. (Yonezawa)    43-5004        Feb. 23, 1968                  
          (Japanese Patent)                                                           

               Claim 32 stands rejected under 35 USC § 103 as being                   
          unpatentable over von Bramer in view of Reynolds alone or in                
          combination with Yonezawa.                                                  
               We refer to the Brief and to the Answer for a complete                 
          exposition of the opposing viewpoints expressed by the appellants           
          and the examiner concerning the above noted rejections.                     

               For the reasons which follow, we cannot sustain either of              
          these rejections.                                                           
               von Bramer discloses a method of bonding substrates                    
          generally including plastic substrates with a cyanoacrylic                  
          adhesive which includes the step of treating the substrates with            


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