Ex parte SALM - Page 5

          Appeal No. 95-2205                                                          
          Application 07/750,807                                                      

          Corp., 713 F.2d 760, 772, 218 USPQ 781, 789 (Fed. Cir. 1983).               
               Appellant argues on page 5 of the brief that the size of the           
          GETVIS area can increase or decrease, but this is accomplished by           

          moving the partition and the total allocation remains the same in           
          all cases, 200 Kbytes.  Appellant argues that contrary to claims            
          1 and 24, the GETVIS area of the IBM guide is not allocated from            
          virtual storage at the start of a job, but rather the GETVIS area           
          is merely partitioned from the fixed, pre-existing 200 Kbytes               
          virtual storage allocation made for the program at the start of             
          the program execution.                                                      
               We appreciate Appellant’s argument that IBM discloses that             
          the virtual storage area is 200 Kbytes.  However, Appellant's               
          claim 24 does not recite that the virtual storage space cannot be           
          a fixed amount of storage.  We note that Appellant's claim 24               
          recites "allocating from a virtual storage" and does not require            
          that the virtual storage cannot be a fixed amount of space such             
          as the IBM 200 Kbytes.                                                      
               Furthermore, we appreciate that IBM discloses that the                 
          partitioned GETVIS area of 48K is a default allocation.  However,           
          the Examiner is not relying on the default allocation for                   
          teaching Appellant's claimed "allocating from said virtual                  


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