Ex parte STEINMETZ - Page 3

          Appeal No. 95-4846                                                           
          Application 08/023,592                                                       

               (d) curing the formed inner and outer portions under                    
          conditions of temperature and time to form an impeller disk                  
          having inner and outer portions of polyurethane resin having                 
          different flexibilities, the outer portion being bonded to the               
          inner portion and having greater flexibility than the inner                  
               The examiner relies upon the following references as                    
          evidence of obviousness:                                                     
          Hoppe et al. (Hoppe)          3,052,927         Sep. 11, 1962                
          Roberts                       3,949,125         Apr.  6, 1976                
          Trowbridge et al. (Trowbridge)4,171,166         Oct. 16, 1979                
          Probst                        4,768,574         Sep.  6, 1988                
               Claims 14 through 16 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as            
          unpatentable over Hoppe in view of Probst, Roberts and Trowbridge            
          (answer, page 4).  We reverse this rejection for reasons which               
               The examiner concedes that Hoppe “forms a different                     
          composite article thus requiring that the polyurethane materials             
          be cast in a different order” but this difference in the order               
          in which the two polyurethanes were cast “was a mere obvious                 
          matter of material and article design choices which were of no               
          patentable consequence” since the claimed method must be                     
          distinguished manipulatively (answer, pages 8-9).  In fact,                  
          Hoppe discloses a specific embodiment in Figure 14 of a propeller            
          having high and low density regions similar to the article                   
          described in Figure 4 of Hoppe (see column 7, lines 30-41, and               

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