Ex parte STEINMETZ - Page 5

          Appeal No. 95-4846                                                           
          Application 08/023,592                                                       

          Roberts is said to have only two required components whereas the             
          prior art requires four components (column 3, lines 2-5).                    
               Probst is drawn to a valve for vehicle tires having a                   
          hardness at the inside surfaces that is higher than at the base              
          portion (abstract, column 1, lines 36-44).  According to Probst,             
          this stepless transition between the softer and harder regions               
          provides a desired simplification in manufacture and a high level            
          of operational reliability (column 1, line 60-column 2, line 6,              
          and column 2, lines 31-34).                                                  
               The examiner has failed to establish why Probst and Roberts             
          would have suggested to the artisan the desirability of modifying            
          the order to casting the polyurethane in the Hoppe process.  See             
          In re Gordon, 733 F.2d 900, 902, 221 USPQ 1125, 1127 (Fed. Cir.              
          1984)(“The mere fact that the prior art could be so modified                 
          would not have made the modification obvious unless the prior art            
          suggested the desirability of the modification [citations                    
               Appellant argues that nothing in this record suggests                   
          combining this art (brief, page 3).  “It is well established that            
          before a conclusion of obviousness may be made based on a                    
          combination of references, there must have been a reason,                    
          suggestion, or motivation to lead an inventor to combine those               


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