Ex parte SPRINGMANN - Page 8

                 Appeal No. 96-1802                                                                                       Page 8                        
                 Application No. 08/060,922                                                                                                             

                          Claims 2-4 and 12 are rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as                                                                       
                 being unpatentable over the admitted prior art in view of                                                                              

                          The admitted prior art (as set forth on page 2, lines 8-                                                                      
                 17, of the appellant's specification) comprises a gas sampling                                                                         
                 tube for flue-gas analysis having a gas inlet constructed and                                                                          
                 adapted to receive a flue-gas sample; an elongate filter                                                                               
                 element downstream of the gas inlet and in fluid communication                                                                         
                 with the gas inlet for normally receiving gas from the gas                                                                             
                 inlet; a measured gas line downstream of the filter element                                                                            
                 and in fluid communication with the filter element for                                                                                 

                          2Claim 8 has not been included in this rejection since                                                                        
                 the applied prior art does not suggest the single heater being                                                                         
                 of tubular configuration.  The examiner should ensure that                                                                             
                 this claimed feature is illustrated in the drawings as                                                                                 
                 required by 37 CFR § 1.83 since the current figure illustrates                                                                         
                 a single heater being of a coiled configuration.  Claims 9 and                                                                         
                 10 have not been included in this rejection since normally,                                                                            
                 when substantial confusion exists as to the interpretation of                                                                          
                 a claim and no reasonably definite meaning can be ascribed to                                                                          
                 the terms in a claim, a determination as to patentability                                                                              
                 under 35 U.S.C. § 103 is not made.  See In re Steele, 305 F.2d                                                                         
                 859, 134 USPQ 292 (CCPA 1962) and In re Wilson, 424 F.2d 1382,                                                                         
                 165 USPQ 494 (CCPA 1970).                                                                                                              

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