Ex parte BLISH - Page 23

          Appeal No. 96-1904                                                          
          Application 08/164,854                                                      

          generation would have simply been to gain the expected and                  
          known advantage of informing or alerting the operator.                      

                    As to the argument advanced by appellant in the                   
          matter of the rejection of claims 10, 13, 16, and 19, we do                 
          not find ourselves persuaded thereby.  Appellant’s focus upon               
          the specific teachings of each of Louis and Hagelstein fails                
          to take into                                                                

          account what the entirety of their teachings together would                 
          suggested to one having ordinary skill in the keyboard.  With               
          that perspective, we have concluded that the subject matter of              
          claims 10, 13, 16, and 19 would have been obvious.                          

                               NEW GROUND OF REJECTION                                
                    Under the authority of 37 CFR § 1.196(b), this panel              
          of the board introduces the following new ground of rejection.              


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