Ex parte BRYANT et al. - Page 3

          Appeal No. 96-3895                                                          
          Application 08/288,103                                                      

          having a rotatable crankshaft wherein each measurement                      
          corresponds to an angular position of the crankshaft.                       

               Claims 1, 22 and 30 are the only independent claims.  Claim            
          1 is in method form.  Claim 22 essentially recites the same steps           
          of claim 1 but in means-plus-function language.  Claim 30 is an             
          apparatus claim which specifically recites a motor, at least one            
          sensor for generating a signal indicative of the vibrational                
          activity of the internal combustion engine.  In that regard, note           
          that the subject matter of claims 1 and 22 are not limited to               
          measurements concerning the vibrational activity of the engine.             
               Representative claim 1 is reproduced below:                            
                    1. A method for processing measurements from an                   
          internal combustion engine having a rotatable crankshaft wherein            
          each measurement corresponds to an angular position of the                  
          crankshaft, the method comprising:                                          
               filtering the measurements to produce a series of filtered             
          measurements wherein each filtered measurement represents a                 
          predetermined number of neighboring measurements so as to examine           
          local variation among contiguous measurements;                              
               combining filtered measurements which correspond to a                  
          particular angular position of the crankshaft to produce combined           
          measurements having reduced random noise; and                               
               subtracting one of a series of predetermined values each               
          representing systematic activity at a particular angular position           
          of the crankshaft from each corresponding combined filtered                 
          measurement to reduce systematic variation present within the               
          measurements so as to produce a diagnostic envelope which allows            
          both detection and identification of engine operating anomalies.            


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Last modified: November 3, 2007