Ex parte BRYANT et al. - Page 5

          Appeal No. 96-3895                                                          
          Application 08/288,103                                                      

          the crankshaft.  Our reading of the same section of Marko reveals           
          only a filtering operation which is required elsewhere in the               
          claims.  Indeed, lines 15-29 of column 5 of Marko provides a                
          specific example of the filtering that is generally discussed in            
          lines 9-14 of the same column.  We do not see any combining                 
          operation in the portion of Marko cited by the examiner as                  
          disclosing the claimed combining operation.                                 
               On page 9 of the answer, the examiner clarified what he                
          regarded as the combining purportedly disclosed in Marko.  In               
          lines 2-6 of that page, the examiner stated: "These separately              
          filtered waveforms are then representative of a median filtered             
          waveform (304; ie. 0combining filtered measurements which                   
          correspond to a given crankangle to produce a combined                      
          measurement0)."  In Marko, lines 23-28 of column 5 describe that            
          all five diagnostic waveforms (crankshaft torque, intake                    
          pressure, exhaust, oil pressure and dynamic oil pressure) are               
          median filtered "separately to produce five 720-point vectors"              
          representative of the filtered waveform 304.  To the extent that            
          the examiner has read that language as describing that the                  
          separate waveforms have been combined into a single waveform 304,           
          that is unreasonable.  The description reasonably suggests only             
          that each of the five waveforms is separately median filtered to            


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