Ex parte BRYANT et al. - Page 4

          Appeal No. 96-3895                                                          
          Application 08/288,103                                                      

               We do not sustain the rejection of claims 1-6, 11, 14, 15,             
          and 17-29 under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable over Marko.           

               We also do not sustain the rejection of claims 12, 13 and 30           
          under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable over Marko and Capps.           
               The following two features, albeit written in different                
          forms, are required by all of the independent claims 1, 22 and              
                    (1) combining filtered measurements which                         
               correspond to a particular angular position of the                     
               crankshaft to produce combined measurements having                     
               reduced random noise; and                                              
                    (2) subtracting one of a series of predetermined                  
               values each representing systematic activity at a                      
               particular angular position of the crankshaft from each                
               corresponding combined filtered measurement to reduce                  
               systematic variation present within the measurements so                
               as to produce a diagnostic envelope which allows both                  
               detection and identification of engine operating                       
               We agree with the appellants that neither Marko nor Capps,             
          either alone or in combination, discloses or reasonably suggests            
          either one of the above-noted features of the claimed invention.            
               On page 4 of the answer, the examiner identifies column 5,             
          lines 15-29 of Marko as disclosing the combining of filtered                
          measurements which correspond to a particular angular position of           


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