Ex parte LINSENBARDT et al. - Page 2

          Appeal No. 97-0612                                                          
          Application 08/322,218                                                      

               The invention relates to “the production of metal strips               
          suitable for use in the coils of power transformers”                        
          (specification, page 1).  Copies of claims 1 through 3 appear in            
          the appendix to the appellants’ main brief (Paper No. 10).                  
               The references relied upon by the examiner as evidence of              
          obviousness are:                                                            
          Skinner             1,847,365           Mar.  1, 1932                       
          Sparks              2,133,874           Oct. 18, 1938                       
          Vaughan             4,564,347           Jan. 14, 1986                       
               Claims 1 through 3 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as             
          being unpatentable over Vaughan in view of Sparks and Skinner.              
               Reference is made to the appellants’ main and reply briefs             
          (Paper Nos. 10 and 12) and to the examiner’s first Office action            
          and answer (Paper Nos. 6 and 11) for the respective positions of            
          the appellants and the examiner with regard to the merits of this           
               Appealed claims 1 and 2 recite a method of forming a                   
          continuous flat metal strip comprising, inter alia, the steps of            
          feeding first and second rod-like billets to circumferential                
          grooves formed in a rotating wheel, and advancing the billets               
          such that metal therefrom flows through a die opening having a              
          discontinuous, annular cross section to form a continuous tube of           
          circular cross section having a slit formed therein.  Appealed              


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