Ex parte LINSENBARDT et al. - Page 5

          Appeal No. 97-0612                                                          
          Application 08/322,218                                                      

          piece 24 having a core forming male die 29 and a final mandrel              
          terminal 30.  As described by Skinner,                                      
                    [s]aid terminal 30 as shown extends inwardly                      
               within the opening of die 20, exactly concentric                       
               therewith and with the intervening surrounding space                   
               through which the extruded metal a emerges.  Terminal                  
               30 extends beyond the main die 29, which is connected                  
               laterally with the main filler mandrel piece 24 by the                 
               wall or web 31.                                                        
                    Said web, as shown in Fig. 6, is as thin as it can                
               consistently be made, the sides rounding into the main                 
               opening 27 for rigid connection with the outer metallic                
               wall, and facilitating free flow of the metal under                    
                    As indicated in Fig. 4 there is an opening 32                     
               backwardly from the face of die 20 sufficiently long to                
               allow for flow of the metal thereinto from both                        
               opposite sides, providing a continuously annular body                  
               of metal for some distance back of the annular                         
               extrustion [sic, extrusion] space between terminal 30                  
               and die 20.                                                            
                    The exposed surfaces of the various elements are                  
               preferably rounded and curved, as indicated, avoiding                  
               where possible abrupt shoulders to facilitate the flow                 
               toward the annular outlet space.                                       
                    The outer shoulder 33 of member 29 is rounded as                  
               shown, also facilitating flow and merging of the metal                 
               under pressure [page 2, lines 55 through 82].                          
               The examiner has concluded that                                        
                    [i]t would have been obvious to one having                        
               ordinary skill in the art at the time the invention was                
               made, as specified by 35 U.S.C. 103, to provide the                    
               slit-shaping key 200 of Sparks with rounded or curved                  
               edges, with corresponding curved edges being produced                  
               in the product, following the teaching of Skinner that                 


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