Ex parte LIU et al. - Page 9

          Appeal No. 97-1387                                                          
          Application No. 08/251,011                                                  

          transistors formed on insulating substrates and the artisan                 
          clearly would have been led to employ the supporting substrate              
          of Malhi in Hayashi since, as the examiner contends, it would               
          appear that the supporting substrate of Malhi is “a widely use              
          [sic, used] supporting material for [a] thin film transistor”               
          [answer-top of page 5].                                                     
               Since appellants do not argue the merits of dependent                  
          claims 2 through 4 separate from independent claim 1, claims 2              
          through 4 will fall with claim 1.                                           
               Accordingly, the examiner’s decision rejecting claims 1                
          through 4 under 35 U.S.C. ' 103 is affirmed.                                
               No time period for taking any subsequent action in                     
          connection with this appeal may be extended under 37 CFR                    
          ' 1.136 (a).                                                                

          Kenneth W. Hairston             )                                           
               Administrative Patent Judge     )                                      
                    Errol A. Krass                  ) BOARD OF PATENT                 
                    Administrative Patent Judge     )   APPEALS AND                   
                                             )  INTERFERENCES                         
                    Michael R. Fleming              )                                 


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