Ex parte CONRAD et al. - Page 9

               Appeal No. 97-1658                                                                                                   
               Application 08/075,278                                                                                               

                      Appellants suggest that claims 16-18, 21, 23 and 25-27 are allowable because they require                    

               application windows for applications programs and enclosure windows for icons.  However, these                       

               kinds of windows are disclosed by Bronson.  For example, see column 5, lines 42 and 43, for a                        

               reference to application programs in windows, and column 1, lines 46-53, for a discussion of icons.                  

                               The Rejection of Claims 14, 15, 19 and 20 under 35 U.S.C. § 103                                      

                                     as Unpatentable over Bronson and Microsoft Windows                                             

                       With respect to dependent claims 14, 15, 19 and 20 it is argued that the invention will                      

               automatically remove tool palette and control panel windows in response to the selection of another                  

               window. This argument is not persuasive because it is not commensurate in scope with the claimed                     

               invention.  The above claims do not require removal of tool palette and control panel windows.  It is                

               only required that the plurality of windows include such windows.  However, even if there were such a                

               requirement, the rejection of these claims would be sustained.  As noted above, Bronson has a general                

               teaching that an active window may be automatically displaced by opening another window.  This                       

               suggests that any window can be removed for another.  Appellants’ contention that it is counterintuitive             

               to close a tool palette or control window upon selection of another window because the user will                     

               typically want to continue using the window after selecting another window is not supported by any                   

               evidence and is unpersuasive.  Furthermore, even assuming the contention to be true, the fact that                   

               ordinarily a screen operator would have preferred to preserve tool palette and control panel windows                 


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