Appeal No. 97-1999 Application 07/390,745 explain why Marvizon may not be considered prior art under § 102(a). A Declaration under 37 CFR § 1.131 by Skolnick, Lewin, Marvizon, Monn, and Rice filed on March 20, 1995 (Paper No. 31) reads on page 2, paragraphs 3 and 4, thereof: 3. At least as early as November 15, 1988, ethyl and methyl esters of ACPC were conceived, synthesized and tested for activity by three of us, Phil Skolnick, James Monn, and Kenner Rice, prior to publication of the Marvisón [sic, Marvizón], et al., and Nadler, et al. publications, as demonstrated by Attachment A. Attachment A are notebook pages, from the laboratory manual of Barrington Jackson, a student who conducted research in Dr. Skolnick’s laboratory at his direction and under his supervision, with dates marked out. 4. At least as early as November 15, 1988, ACPC had been conceived, obtained and tested for binding to the glycine site of the NMDA receptor, by Phil Skolnick, Anita Lewin, and Juan-Carlos Marvizon, as demonstrated by Attachment B. Attachment B are pages from the laboratory manual of Dr. Marvisón [sic, Marvizón], with the dates marked out. The declarants support the above statements with Attachments A and B which appear to be copies of laboratory notebook pages and a computer-originated data sheet. The purpose, content, and meaning of the information in the attached laboratory notebook pages and data sheets are unclear from the attached papers themselves. Moreover, the declarants proffer no further explanation of that information in the text of the - 10 -Page: Previous 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 NextLast modified: November 3, 2007