Ex parte BOYLES et al. - Page 8

                 Appeal No. 97-2418                                                                                       Page 8                        
                 Application No. 08/390,843                                                                                                             

                 1 in that the Examiner took the position that he interpreted                                                                           
                 the claim as being drawn to a diverter valve and gave no                                                                               
                 weight to the recitations of two phase mixed steam flow, (2)                                                                           
                 without extensive testing the appellants have no way of                                                                                
                 determining the Examiner's assumption that the diverter valve                                                                          
                 of Bachmann would be useful in any sense in a two phase steam                                                                          
                 flow line, and (3) at no point does Bachmann even discuss two                                                                          
                 phase, single phase or any steam flow, much less a means for                                                                           
                 controlling movement of two phase steam as called for in claim                                                                         

                          We conclude that the examiner has established a prima                                                                         
                 facie case of anticipation.   When relying upon the theory of2                                                                                     
                 inherency, the examiner must provide a basis in fact and/or                                                                            
                 technical reasoning to reasonably support the determination                                                                            
                 that the allegedly inherent characteristic necessarily flows                                                                           
                 from the                                                                                                                               

                          2It is well settled that the burden of establishing a                                                                         
                 prima facie case of anticipation resides with the Patent and                                                                           
                 Trademark Office (PTO).  See In re Piasecki, 745 F.2d 1468,                                                                            
                 1472, 223 USPQ 785, 788 (Fed. Cir. 1984).                                                                                              

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