ENGVALL et al. V. DAVID et al. - Page 25

                   to the detection of the antigen human alphafeto protein (AFP).   Example 3 relates to the detection                                                 
                   of another antigen, human fibronectin (HFN).  Engvall Application 06/539,754, specification, pp. 9-                                                 
                   15.  The examples include a detailed explanation of the preparation of the respective monoclonal                                                    
                   antibodies for the antigens, bonding of the monoclonals to a substrate, labeling of the antibodies and                                              
                   determination of the antigens.  The examples do not mention affinity or the affinity constant of the                                                
                   antibodies and antigens used.                                                                                                                       
                             The original claims of the application which are, of course, part of Engvall's written                                                    
                   description, are directed to a method for the determination of antigen.  The claims are presented in                                                
                   Jepson format.  The improvement is said to be in using as the monoclonal antibodies which react with                                                
                   sterically spaced determinants of the antigen.  Again no reference is made to affinity.  Engvall                                                    
                   Application 06/539,754, specification, pp. 16-17.                                                                                                   
                             Thus, Engvall's specification unquestionably discloses the use of monoclonal antibodies in                                                
                   sandwich assays, and, while making some general references to affinity, is devoid of any indication,                                                
                   appreciation or guidance that any particular value for the affinity constant was of importance.                                                     
                   Engvall’s specification contains no express statement or implicit description that would lead the                                                   
                   person of ordinary skill in the art to use monoclonal antibodies and antigens having any particular                                                 
                   value of the affinity constant.                                                                                                                     
                                      4.        Inherency of the  lower limit of “at least about 10  liters/mole” based8                                                      
                                                 on the data in Engvall’s example 1                                                                                    
                                       Engvall does not urge that there is express language or equivalent language in the                                              
                   specification which provides a basis for the specific affinity constant limitation.  Rather, Engvall                                                
                   asserts that the limitation inherently finds basis in her Example 1. Engvall Brief, pp. 94-102, Engvall                                             
                   Reply Brief, pp. 2-10.    At the outset, we note that if any of Engvall’s examples had expressly stated47                                                                                                                       
                   that both antibodies used had an affinity constant of 10  liters/mole, Engvall may have had written8                                                                           
                   descriptive support for adding a claim utilizing 10  liters/mole as a lower limit.  Absent, an express8                                                                                  
                   or implicit statement, the evidence must show that the person having ordinary skill in the art repeating                                            

                                       In this regard, Engvall’s briefs are somewhat confusing due to the apparent failure to distinguish                              
                   between claims and counts.  The subject matter of the count is not relevant to the description requirement issue.                                   

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