ENGVALL et al. V. DAVID et al. - Page 26

                   any of those examples would be led to this lower limit.  Fujikawa, 93 F.3d at 1571, 39 USPQ2d at                                                    
                   1905; Oelrich, 666 F.2d at 581, 212 USPQ at 328                                                                                                     
                             Engvall relies on the testimony of Drs. Langone  and Bergland to establish that the limitation                                            
                   “at least 10  liters/mole” is  inherent in Example 1 of the specification. Engvall Reply Brief, pp. 7 to                                            
                   10.  Bergland and Langone each calculated an affinity constant from the data in Engvall’s example                                                   
                                                                                  9                                    49                                            
                   1.  Bergland calculated the value to be 3.7x10  liters per mole. E128, p. 5.   Langone using a                                                      
                   different method arrived at a value of  5.2 x 10  liters per mole.  ER 3515-19, E131.                                 Accepting                     
                   these calculations at  face value, we fail to see how they would lead the person of ordinary skill in the                                           
                   art to the lower limit of “about 1x10  liters/mole.”  While Bergland’s and Langone’s  values fall                                                   
                   within the scope of the subgenus of the present claims, i.e., they are “at least about 10  liters per                                               
                   mole,” a subgenus is not necessarily described by a genus encompassing the subgenus and an                                                          
                   embodiment on which the subgenus reads.  In re Smith, 458 F.2d 1389, 1395, 173 USPQ 679, 683                                                        
                   (CCPA 1972). Rather, the specification must provide descriptive support for the full scope of the                                                   
                   claimed subject matter. Conservolite, 21 F.3d at 1100, 30 USPQ2d at 1628; Squires, 560 F.2d at 435,                                                 
                   194 USPQ at 52.  Precisely how close the original description must come to comply with the                                                          
                   description requirement of Section 112 must be determined on a case-by-case basis." Eiselstein, 93                                                  
                   F.3d at 1039, 34 USPQ2d  at 1470.  Bergland’s and Langone’s values are 37 and 52 times higher,                                                      
                   respectively, than the lower limit specified in the claims.  In our view, these values are simply too                                               
                   distant from the lower limit of about 1x10  to act as a “blaze mark” to direct the person having8                                                                                          
                   ordinary skill in  the art to “at least about 10  liters/mole.”  As noted by the Federal Circuit the search8                                                                                            

                                       David moves to suppress Langone’s testimony as untimely and because Engvall’s counsel allegedly                                 
                   precluded David’s counsel from adequately cross-examining Langone by instructing the witness not to answer certain                                  
                   questions.  David et al. Motion to Suppress Evidence (Paper 331), pp. 8-12.  David’s motion does not establish that                                 
                   Langone’s testimony was actually untimely or improper.   All David has provided is conclusory statements.  In addition,                             
                   the refusal  to answer certain questions by Langone goes to the weight of the testimony not to its admissibility.  Land v.                          
                   Regan, 342 F.2d 92, 101, 144 USPQ 661, 669 (CCPA 1965). The motion as to Langone’s testimony is denied.                                             
                                       The designation“E” followed by a number is a reference to Engvall’s exhibits and the exhibit number.                            
                   E.g., E128 refers to Engvall Exhibit 128.  The designation “ER” followed by a number refers to the Engvall Record and                               
                   the specific page number of the record.  The designation “DX” followed by a number refers to David’s exhibits.  The                                 
                   reference “DR” followed by a number refers to the David Record and the specific page number.  The reference to                                      
                   “DCX” refers to David Cross Exhibits and the exhibit number.                                                                                        

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