CHENEVEY et al. V. BAARS et al. - Page 24

              Interference No. 103,169                                                                                       

              letter signed by Timmons, dated January 23, 1983; AFSC Form 91, signed by M. Schultz,                          
              dated January 4, 1983; and a technical proposal dated January, 1983.  The cover letter                         
              indicates that in addition to the technical proposal and AFSC Form 91, a cost proposal                         
              was attached and submitted as part of the proposal.  The cost proposal, CX 34, signed by                       
              Laurence Peterson, contains a date of submission of ?31 January 83.”  The contract                             
              solicitation was due January 31, 1983.                                                                         
                      Timmons testified that he had every reason to believe that the technical proposal,                     
              dated ?January 83,” and the cost proposal dated January 31, 1983, and the associated                           
              cover letter were completed before January 23, 1983 (CR 18: 1884-85), and sent to the                          
              government ?on or about January 23, 1983,” the date of the cover letter (CR 18: 1780-                          
              1781).  During cross examination, Timmons could not testify as to the actual date Mr.                          
              Peterson signed the cost proposal, but he did explain that the “date of submission” on the                     
              cost proposal form was the due date to the AF.   During further cross examination, January                     
              23, 1983, was shown to be a Sunday whereupon Timmons indicated that the contract                               
              proposal was not sent out on January 23, 1983, but rather sometime before the January                          
              31, 1983, due date (CR18:1900).   Because the Chenevey et al. record  does not                                 
              establish, with corroboration by a noninventor, a date certain as to when the technical                        
              proposal dated ?January 83” was actually prepared and by whom and its content, we find                         
              that Chenevey et al. is only entitled to the date of January 31, 1983, for conception, the                     
              date that the contract was due at AFWP.                                                                        


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