CHENEVEY et al. V. BAARS et al. - Page 26

                     Interference No. 103,169                                                                                                                                          

                                Responding to the Baars et al. argument that Chenevey et al. failed to establish a                                                                     
                     ?corroborated conception, ” Chenevey et al. argue that documents and ?things” do not                                                                              
                     need to be corroborated, testimony does.  However, if reliance is placed upon an exhibit,                                                                         
                     the content of the exhibit and its existence at a point in time must be established                                                                               
                     (corroborated) by the testimony of a person other than the inventor.                                                                                              
                     Chenevey et al. case for communication16                                                                                                                          

                                Chenevey et al., in their brief, allege that Baars et al. derived the Chenevey et al.                                                                  
                     invention indirectly from Berry, on January 11, 1983, when Berry and Chenevey et al. met.                                                                         
                     Chenevey et al. allege that Berry was Chenevey’s consultant in 1982, and during that time                                                                         
                     (1) Chenevey disclosed to Berry his ideas for using a rotating die to extrude a biaxial film                                                                      
                     as described in CX 39, (CR19: 1963-64 and 66); (2) Chenevey went to Berry’s laboratory                                                                            
                     with some reaction mixture dope and used Berry’s apparatus (CR 1946-1949); and  (3)                                                                               
                     Chenevey sent reports (CX 37-39) to Berry (CR19: 1944-1945).                                                                                                      
                                Chenevey et al. also allege that Baars et al. derived the Chenevey et al. invention                                                                    
                     directly from Chenevey when (1) Guzdar learned of tube extrusion from Chenevey at The                                                                             
                     Polymer Order Workshop in November, 1983 (BR 5: 482,483, 487, 488, 489); (2)                                                                                      
                     Lusignea learned how to make PBT film from Chenevey at the same workshop (BR 11:                                                                                  
                     984,985); and (3) Baars met with Chenevey at Celanese in May,                                                                                                     

                                16 The earliest date that Chenevey et al. can establish for derivation is June 30,                                                                     
                     1984.  37 CFR § 1.629(a).                                                                                                                                         

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