Ex parte KAHL et al. - Page 3

              Appeal No. 96-1317                                                                                         
              Application 08/250,302                                                                                     

                     Claims 7, 11 through 13, 17, 18 and 20 to 24 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C.                         
              § 103.  As evidence of obviousness, the examiner relies upon TIME LINE in view of                          
                     Rather than repeat the positions of the appellants and the examiner, reference is                   
              made to the Brief and the Answer for the respective details thereof.                                       

                     We reverse.                                                                                         
                     Independent claims 7 and 13 are respective method and apparatus versions of                         
              appellants’ disclosed textual information display feature, whereas the subject matter of                   
              method claim 20 relates to appellants’ disclosed vertical busy bar feature.                                
                     If we assume for the sake of argument that it would have been proper within                         
              35 U.S.C. § 103 from an artisan’s perspective to have combined the teachings of PackRat                    
              and Time Line, we conclude that the result would not be the subject matter set forth in                    
              independent claims 7 and 13 on appeal as well as independent claim 20.  This reasoning                     
              of combinability would be based upon the project management approaches discussed in                        
              each reference.  The combined features appear to us, according to the reasoning of the                     
              examiner, to have been based upon picking and choosing bits and pieces of the                              
              respective claimed features from both references.  We are unable to conclude and are not                   


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