Ex parte KAHL et al. - Page 4

              Appeal No. 96-1317                                                                                         
              Application 08/250,302                                                                                     

              persuaded by the examiner’s reasoning that the monthly calendar shown in the upper-left                    
              portion of the middle Figure of page 414 of PackRat would have been modified by the                        
              additional showings and teachings in this reference, further in view of TIME LINE’s                        
              showings, to yield a display of textual information comprising at least a start time and an                
              event summary for any event schedule on any day and to have done so on the monthly                         
              scheduling calendar itself.  PackRat also shows in addition to the monthly calendar, a                     
              weekly calendar as well as a day schedule.  But there is no showing or teaching in this                    
              reference, even as modified by TIME LINE, which would have persuaded us that it would                      
              have been obvious to have modified or combined features to present textual information of                  
              the noted two types on the monthly calendar itself.  Appellants’ claimed invention is a                    
              straightforward view of discreet features that may be found in each reference.                             
              Furthermore, as to the editing feature of claims 7 and 13, it does not appear to us from our               
              understanding of both references that editing would occur without opening any other                        
              additional display panel.  We are not persuaded by the examiner’s reasoning to correlate                   
              teachings of both references to the rather straightforward features cited in independent                   
              claims 7 and 13 on appeal.                                                                                 
                     Turning lastly to the subject matter of independent claim 20 on appeal, the two-                    
              dimensional pictorial representation of the monthly scheduling calendar shown in the large                 
              figure in the middle of page 414 of PackRat is identical to that which has been set forth in               


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