Ex parte KUNO et al. - Page 2

          Appeal No. 96-1518                                                          
          Application No. 08/190,244                                                  

               The disclosed invention relates to a MOS transistor                    
          formed on a semiconductor substrate.  The MOS transistor has a              
          pair of channel stoppers that are electrically connected to a               
          source diffusion region formed on the surface of the                        
          semiconductor substrate in order to drive the channel stoppers              
          in synchronism with the gate electrode of the MOS transistor.               
               Claim 10 is illustrative of the claimed invention, and it              
          reads as follows:                                                           
               10.  A MOS transistor formed on a semiconductor                        
          substrate, comprising:                                                      
               a source diffusion region formed on the surface of said                
          semiconductor substrate;                                                    
               a drain diffusion region formed on the surface of said                 
          semiconductor substrate at a position spaced apart from said                
          source diffusion region;                                                    
               a channel formed in the surface of said semiconductor                  
          substrate at a position between said source diffusion region                
          and said drain diffusion region;                                            
               a first insulating layer formed on said semiconductor                  
               a pair of channel stoppers formed in said first                        
          insulating layer at an adequate interval therebetween to                    
          determine the width of said channel, said pair of channel                   
          stoppers being composed of polysilicon;                                     
               a second insulating layer formed on said pair of channel               


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