Ex parte KUNO et al. - Page 4

          Appeal No. 96-1518                                                          
          Application No. 08/190,244                                                  

               According to the examiner (Answer, page 3), "Kimura                    
          teaches an electrostatic screening electrode 31 formed                      
          perpendicular to and surrounding the gate electrode in order                
          to prevent channels that might occur due to stray charge in                 
          these regions."  Although the electrostatic screening                       
          electrode 31 in Kimura may function as a channel stopper, we                
          agree with the appellants that it is not a pair of channel                  
          stoppers connected to "a source diffusion region, so that they              
          are driven in synchronism with a gate electrode" (Brief, page               
               The examiner states (Answer, page 3) that "Yamada in                   
          column 18 lines 35 et. seq. teaches to connect channel stops                
          to the source electrodes of their adjacent transistors."                    
          Appellants argue (Brief, page 4) that in Yamada "the voltage                
          levels on the channel stoppers are fixed to the voltage levels              
          of the power supply, namely, the VSS and VDD, respectively."                
          We agree with appellants that Yamada discloses connection of                
          channel stopper 1110 to V  and connection of channel stopper                
          1117 to V  (column 18, lines 35 through 40).                                
               In summary, we agree with appellants (Brief, page 4) that              
          "[n]either of these references suggest connecting channel                   

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