Ex parte BERSON et al. - Page 3

          Appeal No. 96-2278                                                          
          Application 08/175,001                                                      

               b) control means for controlling the operation of said                 
               c) means for reading said coded representation of said                 
          signal from said card; when said card is received in said                   

               d) decoding means, responsive to said reading means for                
          decoding said representation of said signal to provide a                    
          decoded signal;                                                             
               e) decrypting means for decrypting said decoded signal to              
          provide a decrypted signal[;]                                               
               f) display means responsive to said decrypting means for               
          displaying said representation of said image, said display                  
          means being positioned adjacent to said image, whereby                      
          comparison of said representation of said image and said image              
          is facilitated.                                                             

          The examiner relies on the following references:                            
          Piosenka et al. (Piosenka)    4,993,068          Feb. 12, 1991              
          Senanayake                    5,053,608          Oct. 01, 1991              
          Axelrod et al. (Axelrod)      5,337,358          Aug. 09, 1994              
          (filed Nov. 20,                                                             

          Claims 1-3, 5-8 and 10-15 stand rejected under 35                           
          U.S.C. § 102(e) as being anticipated by the disclosure of                   
          Axelrod.  Claims 1-3, 5-8 and 10-15 also stand rejected under               
          35 U.S.C.    § 103 as being unpatentable over the teachings of              
          Senanayake in view of Piosenka.                                             

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