Ex parte BERSON et al. - Page 7

          Appeal No. 96-2278                                                          
          Application 08/175,001                                                      

          data on the card.                                                           
          Thus, the examiner’s anticipation rejection of claims                       
          1 and 13 is based on pure speculation as to how one might                   
          implement the comparison suggested by Axelrod.  A rejection                 
          cannot be made under 35 U.S.C. § 102 based upon speculation                 
          with respect to the teachings of a reference or based on                    
          assumptions of what an artisan might decide to do given the                 
          disclosure of a reference.  These considerations would be more              
          relevant to a rejection under 35 U.S.C. § 103, however, we do               
          not have a rejection on that ground before us using Axelrod.                
          Although Axelrod is the most pertinent reference on                         
          this record, it does not anticipate the invention of                        
          independent claims 1 and 13 for reasons discussed above, and                
          the obviousness issue has not been properly raised by the                   
          examiner.  We would have no difficulty agreeing with the                    
          examiner that it would have been obvious to the artisan that                
          the image on card C in Axelrod and the image on display 32                  
          should be placed adjacent to each other to facilitate                       
          Axelrod’s disclosure that a human must compare these two                    
          images.  Humans are well aware that when comparing two images               
          to each other, they should be simultaneously viewable and                   

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