Ex parte DAN et al. - Page 7

          Appeal No. 96-3294                                                          
          Application 08/055,422                                                      

          370 F.2d 927, 936, 152 USPQ 247, 254 (CCPA 1967) ("This court               
          has uniformly followed the sound rule that an issue raised                  
          below which is not argued in this court, even if it has been                
          properly brought here by a reason of appeal, is regarded as                 
          abandoned and will not be considered.  It is our function as a              
          court to decide disputed issues, not to create them.").                     
               As to the preamble environment of "a client-server                     
          computer system," the Examiner concludes that it would have                 
          been obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art to use                     
          Mattson in a client-server environment (Paper No. 2, page 5).               
          The Examiner further finds that Mattson may be used for DASD                
          cache paging and "[i]nasmuch as a DASD cache is a fileserver                
          cache, those of skill in the art would have appreciated the                 
          applicability of Mattson's invention in the claimed                         
          environment" (EA5).  Appellants argue that "the MATTSON cache               
          is not assisting a fileserver having clients as claimed"                    
          (Br9).  While a direct access storage device (DASD) does not                
          imply use of the storage device as a fileserver, we agree with              
          the Examiner that one of ordinary skill in the art would have               
          recognized that the DASD cache management technique in Mattson              
          is applicable to a client-server network environment.                       

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