Ex parte DAN et al. - Page 9

          Appeal No. 96-3294                                                          
          Application 08/055,422                                                      

          on cache capacities of interest (col. 6, lines 66-68).  The                 
          equivalence classes have similar collected access operation                 
          statistics.  Appellants do not argue this limitation.                       
               As to the limitation of "effectively applying a different              
          fileserver buffer management policy to files in each of said                
          fileset categories," the Examiner concludes that using the                  
          same replacement algorithm (e.g., LRU) for different                        
          partitions in Mattson is applying a different buffer                        
          management policy as disclosed at pages 5-6 of the                          
          specification (FR3).  Appellants admit that "the Examiner is                
          correct that a partitioning of a cache into two or more                     
          partitions and the storing of separate file sets in each cache              
          partition does apply a different buffer management policy to                
          each of the file sets stored in the separate cache partitions"              
          (Br8).  Appellants argue (Br10):  "In Claim 1, the different                
          buffer management policies correspond with different ranges of              
          read/write ratios and the buffer management policy assigned to              
          each file is the buffer management policy that corresponds to               
          the range of read/write ratios covering the read/write ratio                
          of that file.  An equivalent limitation may be found in                     
          Claim 9."  Claim 9 is broader than claim 1 and does not                     

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