Ex parte CHIANG - Page 23

          Appeal No. 97-0642                                                          
          Application 08/242,318                                                      

          user interface for a pen-based computer similar to Sklarew for              
          correcting handwriting recognition results and we likewise                  
          find no motivation in the record to combine Capps and with the              
          automatic conversion system in Kato.  As discussed in                       
          connection with the rejection of claim 1, handwritten                       
          characters can broadly be considered to be from "one text                   
          domain" (a "source text domain") and the font symbols can be                
          considered to be from "another text domain" (a "destination                 
          text domain").  However, the Examiner does not rely on this                 
          interpretation; the Examiner relies on the recognized word                  
          object (the word after it is recognized from the handwritten                
          ink object) being in the source text domain.  The rejection is              
          based on the conclusion that it would have been obvious to                  
          convert between different symbology text domains as taught in               
          Kato instead of correcting words in a single text domain as                 
          taught in Capps.  We do not find motivation for this                        
          modification in the automatic symbology conversion in Kato or               
          in the correction method in Capps.  The motivation derives                  
          from hindsight based on Appellant's disclosure.  The rejection              
          of claims 21-23 is reversed.                                                

               Issue E:  Claims 24-37 [sic, 24-27]                                    
                                       - 23 -                                         

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