Ex parte SCHULTZ - Page 8

          Appeal No. 97-0984                                                          
          Application 08/546,345                                                      

          this contention (note footnote 2 above).  The examiner then                 
          notes that even though Crafts does not teach anything about                 
          power conservation, the artisan would recognize that the                    
          Crafts structure “can be” used in the Shay or Mahabadi power-               
          on reset circuit [id., page 4].                                             
          Appellant first argues that there is no suggestion in                       
          any of Mahabadi, Shay or Crafts to modify the inverter                      
          circuits disclosed in Mahabadi or Shay to conserve power in                 
          the operation of their inverters.  We note that the only                    
          cited references dealing with the question of conserving                    
          power in an inverter are the unapplied Masuoka and Ludwig                   
          references.  As noted above, we will not consider these                     
          references since they were not indicated in the statement of                
          the rejection.  Therefore, the motivation to modify the Shay                
          or Mahabadi inverter to be like the Crafts inverter must come               
          from one of these three references or other knowledge                       
          generally available to the artisan.                                         
          The purpose of the inverter in Crafts is to limit the                       
          output current of a driver independent of the supply voltage,               
          load capacitance, temperature and other processing variables                


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