Ex parte ENGELSON et al. - Page 5

          Appeal No. 1999-0610                                       Page 5           
          Application No. 08/601,186                                                  

          2.   Claims 49 through 60 stand rejected under the judicially               
          created doctrine of double patenting as being unpatentable                  
          over claims 1 through 16 of U.S. Patent No. 5,531,715.                      
          3.   Claims 49 through 60 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103              
          as being unpatentable over Castillo in view of Eury.                        
               Reference is made to the brief (Paper No. 13) and the                  
          answer (Paper No. 14) for the respective positions of the                   
          appellants and the examiner with regard to the merits of these              
               In reaching our decision in this appeal, we have given                 
          careful consideration to the appellants' specification and                  
          claims, to the applied prior art references, and to the                     
          respective positions articulated by the appellants and the                  
          examiner.  As a consequence of our review, we make the                      
          determinations which follow.                                                

                            The indefiniteness rejection                              
               The examiner's basis for rejecting claim 49 as being                   
          indefinite is that the claim contains the closed language                   
          "consisting essentially of" followed by the open-ended                      

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