QADRI et al. v. BEYERS et al. v. BATLOGG et al. - Page 27

         Interference No. 101,981                                                    

         material of the count must have at least 90% of a AB2Cu3Oy where y is around 7.0 – amounts to
         reading a limitation into the count.  We have carefully reviewed the junior parties’ positions but
         find that they adopt a species of the count to represent the entire count.  
              Beyers’ does not support their position with reference to their specification.  In fact, after
         reviewing the Beyers’ specification, we could find no reference to purity, a percentage, the
         oxygen level corresponding to y.7.0, or the well-ordered homogeneous        
         material that that oxygen level creates.  Instead, Beyers                   
         discusses (BeB 6-7) something that their specification clearly              
         teaches (p. 2, lines 21-24): a step of slow cooling. Apparently             
         this processing step produces, inherently, the well-ordered                 
         homogeneous sample with oxygen contents between y = 6.8 and 7.0             
         that Beyers argues is the subject matter of the count.  In other            
         words, the “purity” phrase of the count is not being interpreted            
         by reference to a definition in the specification but rather                
         equated with a consistently-uniform high transition-temperature             
         superconductive material that Beyers would produce by following             
         the process set forth in their application. However, while Beyers           
         may be describing a material which is desirable, the count does             
         not require it.  A material that is, for example consistently               
         uniform, is nowhere mentioned in the count.  To read such a                 
         limitation into the count would, in our view, unreasonably narrow           


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