QADRI et al. v. BEYERS et al. v. BATLOGG et al. - Page 49

          Interference No. 101,981                                                   

              We direct our attention to three patentability issues, all under the first paragraph of 35
          U.S.C. § 112:                                                              
          written description;                                                       
          enablement; and,                                                           
          best mode.                                                                 
               These three issues are raised in Beyers’ and Qadri’s briefs,          
          and in their relevant motions. They are raised, however, in a              
          confusing manner.                                                          
               During the preliminary motion period, Beyers (paper no. 29)           
          moved for judgment against Batlogg on the grounds that Batlogg’s           
          claims corresponding to the count were not patentable to Batlogg           
          on three independent grounds: first, that Batlogg discloses an             
          incorrect tetragonal structure for their superconducting material          
          and therefore fails to meet the “description” and “enabling”               
          requirements of Section 112; second, Batlogg fails to disclose             
          the essential step of slow cooling and therefore fails to meet             
          the enabling requirement; and, third, Batlogg failed to provide            
          information consonant with the duties required under 37 CFR                
          § 1.56. Beyers therefore has raised the written description                
          (i.e., incorrect tetragonal structure) and the enablement (i.e.,           
          incorrect tetragonal structure and no slow cooling) issues with            


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