QADRI et al. v. BEYERS et al. v. BATLOGG et al. - Page 52

               Interference No. 101,981                                                                                            

               The written description issue is discussed in Qadri’s brief (QB 62-66); was the subject of Beyers’                  
                   Preliminary Motion (#1, paper no. 29, pp. 1-2; denied (paper no. 131)); and Beyers does not                     
                   seek review of the denial of that motion;                                                                       
               The enablement issue is discussed in Qadri’s (QB 66-74) and Beyers’ (BeB 42-46) briefs; was                         
                   the subject of Beyers’ Preliminary Motion (#2, paper no. 29, pp. 2-3; denied (paper no. 131)),                  
                   the denial of which Beyers, implicitly, now seeks review; and was the subject of Qadri’s                        
                   Preliminary Motion (Q5, paper no. 39, p. 6; denied (paper no. 131)), the denial of which                        
                   Qadri explicitly seeks review.                                                                                  
               The best mode issue is discussed in Qadri’s brief (QB 88-92) but not in Beyers’ brief. It was the                   
                   subject of Qadri’s Preliminary Motion (Q6, paper no. 39; denied (paper no. 131)), the denial                    
                   of which Qadri seeks review, and is now also the subject of a belated motion (QM4).                             


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