QADRI et al. v. BEYERS et al. v. BATLOGG et al. - Page 58

         Interference No. 101,981                                                    

            motion – “First Ground”, paper no. 29, pp. 1-2);                         
         Batlogg fails to disclose the essential step of slow cooling                
            (taken from Beyers’ preliminary motion – “Second Ground”,                
            paper no. 29, pp. 2-3);                                                  
         “Batlogg does not teach how to make and use the superconducting             
            composition as opposed to nonsuperconducting material.” (p.              
            14); and,                                                                
         “Batlogg does not include and data … specifically identifying the           
            compositions which are superconducting.” (p. 14).                        
         Of the grounds set forth in their preliminary motion, only “slow            
         cooling” is discussed in their brief.  Therefore, we do not                 
         consider the other grounds in our review of Qadri’s motion and              
         the APJ’s denial of that motion.                                            


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