QADRI et al. v. BEYERS et al. v. BATLOGG et al. - Page 63

               Interference No. 101,981                                                                                                 

               barium carbonate from the disclosed class of “carbonates” (Batlogg specification, p. 8, line 17)                         
               amounts to anything other than routine skill.                                                                            
                       Regarding Qadri’s argument that compositions other than yttrium-barium-cuprate are not                           
               enabled, Qadri does not explain why their manufacture would require undue experimentation.                               
               Finally, regarding the data, we do not see, and Qadri has not explained, how a possible                                  
               misdescription of data describing the resulting composition affects the ability of one skilled in                        
               the art to make the claimed composition.                                                                                 
                       We find therefore that Qadri has not met their burden of showing that one with skill in the                      
               art would not have been enabled to make the composition of claim 16.  We have reviewed the                               
               additional grounds for reconsidering the APJ’s decision of their Preliminary Motion for judgment                         
               and, for the foregoing reasons, Qadri has not sustained their burden and therefore we find no                            
               error in the APJ’s denial.                                                                                               
                       We note that Batlogg has filed Motions to Suppress Evidence under 37 C.F.R. §§1.635                              
               and 1.656(h) (paper no. 223 (1) and (2)) (BaM2; BaM3) against any testimony and exhibits                                 
               Beyers or Qadri have put forward in support of their positions that Batlogg fails to satisfy                             
               enablement. We, as the Board, have considered all the evidence argued in the brief and still find                        
               that Qadri has not sustained their burden. Since we find Batlogg has satisfied the enablement                            
               requirement, Batlogg’s motions to suppress are moot.                                                                     


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