QADRI et al. v. BEYERS et al. v. BATLOGG et al. - Page 59

         Interference No. 101,981                                                    

             We have reviewed the evidence but Qadri has not sustained              
         their burden and therefore we find no error in the APJ’s denial.            
         With respect to “slow cooling”, Qadri deems it critical to                  
         producing the material.  Batlogg (BaB 51-52) appears to agree               
         that they do not teach slow cooling but state that “[t]here is no           
         need to ‘affirmatively control the temperature drop’.”  There is            
         therefore a dispute as to whether slow cooling is required to               
         enable Batlogg’s claim 16.  The only reason we can find for                 
         affirmatively slow cooling is to guarantee that the composition             
         is composed of purely A1B2Cu307.  However, Batlogg’s claim 16 does          
         not require it.  Therefore, the lack of a teaching of “slow                 
         cooling” is not a persuasive reason for finding that Batlogg has            
         failed to comply with the enablement requirement.  Since Qadri              
         has not shown that Batlogg’s claim 16 lacks an enabling                     
         disclosure on these grounds, and since we are asked to review the           
         Preliminary Motion only on these original grounds, we affirm the            
         APJ’s denial of that motion.                                                
              In their brief, Qadri (QB 66-74) presents additional grounds           
         for finding a lack of enablement.  They argue that Batlogg fails            
         to provide an enabling disclosure due to deficiencies in                    
         Batlogg’s specification that include disclosures of imprecise               


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