Ex parte KENNEDY et al. - Page 2

          Appeal No. 2000-0658                                                        
          Application 29/084,939                                                      

               shown and described.                                                   

               Drawing Figures 1 through 4, copies of which are appended              
          hereto, show the claimed bat design to embody a cylindrical                 
          barrel portion having a relatively large diameter, a                        
          cylindrical handle portion having a relatively small diameter,              
          a knob at the free end of the handle portion, and a tapered                 
          transition portion and convex bubble between the barrel and                 
          handle portions.                                                            

               The claim stands rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103(a) as                  
          being unpatentable over U.S. Patent No. Des. 344,777 to Lo.                 

               Lo discloses a baseball bat design having a tapered                    
          barrel portion, an oppositely tapered handle portion, a knob                
          at the free end of the handle portion, and a convex bubble                  
          between the barrel and handle portions.                                     

               In determining the patentability of a design, it is the                
          overall appearance, the visual effect as a whole of the                     
          design, which must be taken into consideration.  In re Rosen,               


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