Ex parte KENNEDY et al. - Page 6

          Appeal No. 2000-0658                                                        
          Application 29/084,939                                                      

          barrel and handle portions of the Lo design, and the shape and              
          relative position of the convex bubble of the claimed design                
          versus the shape and relative position of the convex bubble of              
          the Lo design imbue the claimed design with an overall                      
          appearance which differs significantly from that of the Lo                  
          design.  Thus, the differences between the two designs cannot               
          be dismissed as involving merely de minimis changes.  Inasmuch              
          as the examiner has failed to advance any evidentiary basis to              
          support a conclusion that the above noted differences are such              
          that the claimed design as a whole would have been obvious at               
          the time the invention was made to a designer of ordinary                   
          skill, we shall not sustain the standing 35 U.S.C. § 103(a)                 
          rejection of the appealed claim as being unpatentable over Lo.              

               The decision of the examiner is reversed.                              


                    HARRISON E. McCANDLISH            )                               
                    Senior Administrative Patent Judge)                               


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