Ex parte KENNEDY et al. - Page 5

          Appeal No. 2000-0658                                                        
          Application 29/084,939                                                      

          having design characteristics basically the same as those of                
          the claimed design is reasonable on its face, and has not been              
          specifically challenged by the appellants.  The appellants,                 
          however, do dispute (see pages 3 through 6 in the brief, Paper              
          No. 10) the examiner’s conclusion (see pages 4 and 5 in the                 
          answer) that the differences between the claimed and Lo                     
          designs involve de minimis changes which would have been well               
          within the skill of the ordinary designer and do not                        
          patentably distinguish the claimed design from the prior art.               

               The contrasts between the claimed design and that                      
          disclosed by Lo are perhaps best illustrated by comparing                   
          Figure 1 of the appellants’ drawings and Figure 2 of Lo’s                   
          drawings, both of which show front elevational views of the                 
          respective bat designs.  From our perspective, the                          
          dissimilarities embodied by the cylindrical shape of the                    
          barrel and handle portions of the claimed design versus the                 
          tapered shape of the barrel and handle portions of the Lo                   
          design, the relative lengths of the barrel and handle portions              
          of the claimed design versus the relative lengths of the                    


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