CHRIST et al. V. BLAKE - Page 29

          Interference No. 103,435                                                    

          while he was a consultant at Allergan and thus have determined              
          that the Junior party has failed to establish that Larry Blake              
          derived the invention from the Junior party.  As such, the                  
          first rationale advanced by the Junior party to prove                       
          inequitable conduct fails.  As for the allegation that the                  
          Senior party had constructive notice of the invention by                    
          virtue of the Knobbe firms representation of the Senior party               
          and the Junior party contemporaneously, we are unconvinced                  
          that the actions of the Knobbe law firm should be attributed                
          to the Senior party.  In addition, it is our view that the                  
          Junior party has failed to prove an intent to deceive or                    
          mislead the United States Patent and Trademark Office (“PTO”)               
          as there is no evidence that establishes that any person at                 
          the Knobbe law firm, much less the Senior party Larry Blake,                
          had an intent to deceive or mislead the PTO.  The presence of               
          the Larry Blake brochure in the Christ file does not itself                 
          establish this intent because there is no evidence of how it                
          got there and who knew it was there.  After all, the brochure               
          could have been placed there in error by the clerical staff at              
          the Knobbe firm.                                                            


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Last modified: November 3, 2007