CHRIST et al. V. BLAKE - Page 31

          Interference No. 103,435                                                    

               The Senior party filed a preliminary motion which alleged              
          that the Junior party Christ’s claims 1 through 17 are                      
          unpatentable under 35 U.S.C. § 112.  In view of our                         
          determination that the Junior party has failed to establish                 
          diligence, this issue is moot.                                              
               The party Larry Blake has asked us to consider a 37 CFR                
          § 1.635 motion for leave to file a belated 37 CFR §                         
          1.633(a)/35 U.S.C. § 102(f) motion.  In view of our                         
          determination that the Junior party has failed to establish                 
          diligence, this issues is also moot.                                        
                          Christ’s October 20 1995 filing                            
               On October 25, 1995, the Junior party filed witnesses                  
          declarations and an index of witnesses and exhibits relied                  
          upon under Rule § 1.671 and § 1.672.  The Senior party filed a              
          motion arguing that the documents i.e., Christ’s exhibits 14                
          and 15, declaration of Robert Bishop, Second declaration of                 
          F. Richard Christ were not timely filed.                                    
               As we have not based our decision on the Bishop                        
          declaration or exhibits 14 and 15, this issue is moot.                      


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