Ex parte SMITH et al. - Page 22

                Appeal No. 1996-0328                                                                                                        
                Application 08/060,891                                                                                                      

                                having the claimed MFR values and polydispersity would be obvious candidates                                
                                for making the (BSHSF) of Lustig.   [Bracketed material added.]60                                                                   

                        The examiner also rejected claims 15, 18, 19 and 21 under  35 U.S.C. § 103 as unpatentable over                     
                the combination of Lustig, Warren, Beran and Karol patents.  The examiner’s position may be understood                      
                from the following excerpt from the Examiner’s Answer:                                                                      
                                         These claims  [15, 18, 19 and 21] differ from the remaining claims on                              
                                appeal because they have molecular weight distribution limitations.                                         
                                         While the primary references generally prefer ethylene polymers having                             
                                relatively narrow molecular weight distributions, films having the claimed molecular                        
                                weight distribution would be expected to produce satisfactory results since (1)                             
                                Lustig does not teach that it is critical that the ethylene polymers have a narrow                          
                                molecular weight distribution and (2) it is well known that ethylene polymers having                        
                                wide molecular weight distributions also make excellent films, e.g., as taught by                           
                                Beran (column 2, lines 51-57; column 3, lines 26-28).                                                       
                                         It would also be obvious to prepare the ethylene terpolymers by the                                
                                process of Karol (page 3, line 20 to page 4, line 6) using the catalyst of Beran                            
                                because (1) both references teach that ethylene terpolymers may be prepared                                 
                                (Karol, page 3, lines 28-29; Beran, column 2, lines 39-40, lines 60-67) and (2)                             
                                Beran teaches that the ethylene polymers having densities below 0.91 g/cc are                               
                                advantageously made using the process of Karol (column 5, lines 58-65). The                                 
                                catalyst of Beran and the process of Karol would be expected to produce ethylene                            
                                terpolymers having the claimed properties (Beran, column 3, lines 3-12).61                                  
                                [Bracketed material added.]                                                                                 
                         Applicants argue that their  Examples 12 and 16 demonstrate the unexpected advantages of the                       
                limitations of claims 15, 18, 19, and 21.  Applicants’ position may be understood from the following                        
                excerpt from the Brief: “Examples 12 and 16 also demonstrate the unexpected advantages attendant to                         
                using the defined films having a broad molecular weight distribution (claims 18, 19, and 22), high melt flow                
                ratio (claims 15 and 21), and low melt index (claims 11, 14, and 22). The broad impulse sealing range of                    

                        60Examiner’s Answer, page 10, line 10 to page 11, line 16.                                                           
                        61Examiner’s Answer, page 9, line 11 to page 10, line 6.                                                             

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