Ex parte HEIDER - Page 3

          Appeal No. 1996-1878                                                        
          Application No. 07/982,203                                                  

          composition to form the bond.  According to appellant, "[t]he               
          high green strength of the bond formed between the shoe                     
          materials is sufficiently strong to permit the shoes to be                  
          handled without a precuring step" (page 4 of principal brief).              
          Although not recited in independent claims 11 and 22, the bond              
          is strengthened by curing upon contact with moisture.                       
          Appellant explains that the advantage of the claimed method is              
          that "shoes can be assembled utilizing the hot melt moisture                
          curable adhesive by applying the holtmelt adhesive to the                   
          surfaces and joining the heated surfaces without a precuring                
          step" (page 4 of principal brief).                                          
               Appealed claims 11-13, 15-22 and 24-30 stand rejected                  
          under 35 U.S.C. § 103 over Gilch in view of Rumon.  Claims 11-              
          30 stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable               
          over Gilch in view of König.  In addition, claims 14 and 23                 
          stand rejected under 35 U.S.C. § 103 as being unpatentable                  
          over Gilch in view Rumon and König.                                         
               We have thoroughly reviewed the respective positions                   
          advanced by appellant and the examiner.  In so doing, we find               
          ourselves in agreement with appellant that the prior art cited              
          by the examiner fails to establish a prima facie case of                    
          obviousness for the claimed subject matter.  Accordingly, we                
          will not sustain the examiner's rejections.                                 


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