Ex parte CORNELL et al. - Page 7

          Appeal No. 1996-2113                                                        
          Application No. 08/192,220                                                  

          examiner has not established any convincing reason, suggestion              
          or motivation for combining the references as proposed (see                 
          the Brief, page 10).  The examiner has only made general                    
          statements that acids and anhydrides are normally equivalent                
          “when used for rubber processing” (Answer, page 3).  The                    
          examiner has not addressed the specific disclosure and                      
          teachings of Massie that a specific anhydride and acid are                  
          relatively equivalent when used to retard incipient                         
          vulcanization or scorch and improve the action of accelerator               
          compounds.  In this context, the examiner must provide                      
          specific reasons or suggestions for combining the teachings                 
          and disclosures of Massie with the primary references, none of              
          which are directed to retarding incipient vulcanization and                 
          scorch and improvement of the action of accelerator compounds.              
          In re Dembiczak, 175 F.3d 994, 999, 50 USPQ2d 1614, 1617 (Fed.              
          Cir. 1999)(“[T]he showing [of evidence of a suggestion,                     
          teaching, or motivation to combine] must be clear and                       
          particular.”).  Accordingly, even assuming arguendo that the                
          primary references disclose or suggest the reaction product of              
          dihydroquinolines and acids, the examiner has not established               


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