Ex parte CULLEN et al. - Page 7

          Appeal No. 1996-2901                                                        
          Application No. 08/072,879                                                  

          gases in their container are flushed out with a gas containing              
          carbon dioxide to the extent that the carbon dioxide content                
          of the container is at least 20% with the remaining atmosphere              
          containing less than about 17% oxygen (specification, page 5,               
          ll. 8-13; see claims 18-20 on appeal).  Nakamura specifically               
          discloses that a container with an atmosphere of 80% nitrogen               
          and 20% carbon dioxide gave extremely poor results (see Table               
          12, last two entries).  See In re Gurley, 27 F.3d 551, 553, 31              
          USPQ2d 1130, 1132 (Fed. Cir. 1994).                                         
               For the foregoing reasons, we find no factual basis for                
          the examiner’s conclusion of obviousness and, in fact,                      
          determine that Nakamura teaches away from using carbon dioxide              
          gas flushing of the container.  Gammill has been cited by the               
          examiner to show the use of silica/silica gel as a desiccant                
          equivalent to the activated alumina/carbon of Nakamura                      
          (Answer, pages 5-6).  Therefore, Gammill does not remedy the                
          deficiencies noted above in the reference evidence to                       
          Nakamura.  Accordingly, we determine that the examiner has not              
          established a prima facie case of obviousness in view of the                
          reference evidence and we reverse the rejection of the claims               


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