Ex parte CULLEN et al. - Page 11

          Appeal No. 1996-2901                                                        
          Application No. 08/072,879                                                  

               1. A method of removing oxygen from a container having a               
          product and a high moisture environment and wherein oxygen was              
          previously flushed out of said container and replaced by a gas              
          containing carbon dioxide and wherein some oxygen may have                  
          remained and into which additional oxygen may have entered                  
          comprising the steps of providing a container, placing a                    
          product which produces a high moisture environment into said                
          container, flushing the container with carbon dioxide to                    
          remove other gases from said container, sealing said                        
          container, and inserting into said container which has a high               
          moisture environment after said flushing step and before said               
          sealing step a mixture of an oxygen-absorbing component for                 
          absorbing oxygen from said container, a carbon dioxide                      
          generating component for generating carbon dioxide in said                  
          container, an acidifying component for activating said carbon               
          dioxide generating component, and a dry water-attracting                    
          component for stabilizing the mixture against premature oxygen              
          absorption and premature carbon dioxide generation before the               
          mixture has been placed into said high moisture environment in              
          said container and thereafter attracting moisture from the                  
          high moisture environment and supplying said moisture to said               
          oxygen-absorbing component and said carbon dioxide generating               
          component to thereby activate said oxygen-absorbing component               
          to absorb said oxygen and also activate said acidifying                     
          component to combine with said carbon dioxide generating                    
          component to cause it to generate carbon dioxide.                           


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Last modified: November 3, 2007