Ex parte NILSSEN - Page 3

          Appeal No. 1996-3399                                                        
          Application 08/295,150                                                      

          Powell                         4,140,959        Feb.  20, 1979              
          Ebert, Jr. (Ebert)             4,241,261        Dec.  23, 1980              
          Marez et al. (Marez)           4,315,304        Feb.   9, 1982              
          Rumble                         4,543,624        Sept. 24, 1985              
          (filed Aug.  17,                                                            

                    The grandparent application was the subject of                    
          Appeal No. 88-2771, decided on May 31, 1989 of which a deci-                
          sion on a                                                                   

          request for reconsideration was issued on July 27, 1989.  The               
          parent application to the present application was also the                  
          subject of Appeal No. 94-0197, the decision of which was                    
          issued on November 23, 1993.                                                
                    From our study of the final rejection in this appli-              
          cation and the examiner's answer, the examiner has rejected                 
          all claims on appeal, claims 49 through 60, under the                       
          enablement provision of the first paragraph of 35 U.S.C. §                  
          112.  Appellant mischaracterizes this rejection as being based              
          upon a lack of support.  Next, claims 49, 52, 56 and 58 stand               
          rejected under  the second paragraph of 35 U.S.C. § 112 as                  
          being indefinite.  Finally, claims 49 through 60 (as expressed              

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Last modified: November 3, 2007