Ex parte NILSSEN - Page 6

          Appeal No. 1996-3399                                                        
          Application 08/295,150                                                      

                    Appellant believes the examiner's view is that the                
          specification provides no support for certain presently                     
          claimed features.  With respect to this rejection at page 3 of              
          the principal brief on appeal, appellant indicates and                      
          recognizes the error of the current value presented at page 6               
          and argues that the noted portion of page 6 of the                          
          specification as filed relates to unclaimed, electric shock                 
          safety features.  Appellant even presents a proposed amendment              
          to the specification at page 2 of the first addendum to the                 
          brief to correct the error in the current value listed at page              
          6 of the specification.  It is noted, however, that this                    
          amendment is unnecessary since it was listed at page 1 of the               
          amendment filed on July 24, 1995.  It is thus apparent that                 
          there is no substantive basis or deficiency in the                          
          specification as filed to support the examiner's views that                 
          claims 49 through 60 are not enabled within the first                       
          paragraph of 35 U.S.C. § 112.                                               
                    We next turn to the rejection of claims 49, 52, 56                
          and 58 under the second paragraph of 35 U.S.C. § 112.  At page              


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